From the YT description...
"EVOMS Founder and President Todd Zuccone along with Senior Engine Builder John Bray, Service Manager Robert Boreham and European Tuning specialist and EVOMS driver from Exelixis in Greece, Mike Paridis post a record time of 234.6 MPH at the Texas Mile in March 2011.
Special thanks to the people at Western States Petroleum for providing the fuel for our Texas Mile prep and run.
Special shout-out to customers and rockers, TIEKEN for their great track, "She Lives" from their CD. Check out the band at
Put EYEBALLS to to find more performance for Porsche, Gumpert, Lamborghini, Ferrari, BMW, Audi, and VW or give a call in Arizona 1.480.317.9911 or send an email:
Evolution MotorSports Research & Development Center 1625 E. Weber Dr. Tempe, Arizona - USA. Phone 480.317.9911
Follow Evolution MotorSports" --boostMD
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